transportation industry

USDOT is Gearing up to Deliver COVID-19 Vaccine

With the COVID-19 vaccine around the corner, transportation and delivery have become the next steps to work out. The U.S. Department of Transportation has announced that they are taking the necessary precautions and measures to get this vaccine out to those who need it in a safe and timely manner….

Trucking Scholarships now Available in Wyoming

If you are a Wyoming high school graduate and want to get into the transportation industry, the Wyoming Trucking Association is now taking applicants for their WTA Scholarship Program. To qualify, you must be a Wyoming high school graduate, plan to pursue a career in the transportation industry (this includes…

Avoiding a Cyberattack While out on the Road

Unfortunately, the transportation industry is one of the top industries out there lately that is targeted by hackers. The current health crisis is not helping the situation either, it’s helping lead the path for hackers to find ways into your systems. There are some things your company can do to…

Fewer Trucks Crossing the U.S./Canada Border

I just one week, the amount of trucks crossing the border between the U.S. and Canada has dropped 10%. It is a clear sign as to how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the transportation industry for both countries. When compared to last year, truck crossings at this time have dropped…