Woman from North Carolina is the Voice of Trucker Safety

Using her voice to help raise awareness, Ingrid Brown’s passion for driving and safety helped create a campaign about sharing roads with larger vehicles. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) created the “Our Roads, Our Safety” campaign to raise awareness about safety on the road with buses and large trucks.

With over 40 years, more than four million logged miles, and many awards later, Brown is excited to use her voice and story to help further assist with the safety of truck drivers and those around them. She’s hoping her message reaches out and educates everyone because it’s important to be safe and knowledgeable when out on the road.

You can view Brown’s campaign here.

Read the full news story here: https://www.wataugademocrat.com/community/zionville-woman-selected-as-voice-of-national-trucker-safety-campaign/article_0b9120a9-c36c-589e-8218-b79b931a6659.html