
How Truck Stops have Changed During this Crisis

COVID-19 has got us all looking at things a little bit differently, how we eat, where we go, how we shop, and many other ‘normal’ things. Truckers were already having a hard time finding food and open rest areas throughout this pandemic, but with things opening back up again, not…

Mack Trucks is Making and Donating PPE

There is a demand out there for personal protective equipment and Mack Trucks has answered the call. By using its 3D printer technology, Mack Trucks has made face shield headbands for their employees and have donated around 500 pieces to local organizations around their Lehigh Valley Operations plant in Macungie,…

Organizations are out There Helping Protect the Truckers

Truckers Emergency Assistance Responders (TEAR) and DDC FPO have teamed up to provide personal protective equipment to truck drivers who are rolling in and out of hot zones to keep the essentials stocked. The PPE kits they are handing out to truckers include masks, hand sanitizer, antiseptic wipes, gloves, and…

CDC Gives Guidelines to Long-Haul Truckers

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have put out a helpful set of guidelines for long-haul truckers and what they need to know about COVID-19. It starts with a description of what the virus is and what kind of symptoms have been seen along with how it spreads. The…

When and Where Truckers can get Free Protective Masks

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is working with states, industry stakeholders, and carriers, to make sure one million protective masks provided by FEMA get handed out to truck drivers. States so far that have times and places set for today include Arkansas, California, Georgia, Illinois, New York, and Nebraska….

Truck Drivers Share Concerns Regarding Pandemic

Workhound is a company that values driver feedback and during this pandemic, communication can be sparse. Workhound lets drivers give anonymous feedback allowing them to speak their minds. They have put together a list of driver feedback and concerns in regards to the current health crisis. Back in March, drivers…