How Truck Stops have Changed During this Crisis

COVID-19 has got us all looking at things a little bit differently, how we eat, where we go, how we shop, and many other ‘normal’ things. Truckers were already having a hard time finding food and open rest areas throughout this pandemic, but with things opening back up again, not everything is going back to the way it was. The CEO of Pilot Company talks about the changes that were made and will probably stick around within the truck stop industry. They are working on more contactless technologies to use in their stores and out at the fuel pumps. Cleanliness is an important factor these days, so showers and bathrooms are getting a deeper cleaning. Self-service options have gone out the window and are getting or have gotten replaced with pre-packaged options. It’s a different world and we all have to adjust to survive. Click the link below to read the full article and what Pilot’s Company’s CEO has to say.

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