Bridge Connecting Kentucky and Illinois to be out of Commission for a Month

KYTC District 1 has announced an extended closure for the ‘Cairo’ bridge starting sometime during the week of August 3-9 and lasting approximately 30 days. This heavily traveled bridge brings traffic from U.S. 51, U.S. 60, and U.S. 62 back and forth from Wickliffe, Kentucky, and Cairo, Illinois. Of all the options available, completely closing the bridge from all traffic for around 30 days was the best and quickest option. 35% of the traffic across the bridge is commercial trucks and the weight of the trucks will hinder cement pours if one lane of the bridge is kept open for traffic. Unfortunately, this closure leads to an 80-mile detour. There are some river industries discussing water taxis to help those that work across the river. Commercial trucks may want to find a different route when traveling in this direction. Click the link below to learn more about this.

Read the original Facebook post.