Nikola’s Push for Hydrogen Fueled Trucks

Trevor Milton, the chief executive and founder of Nikola, says hydrogen can power heavy-duty trucks. With hydrogen being the most abundant element in the universe, it makes sense to find a way to use it as a zero-emission fuel. When converted into electricity, its only by-products are heat and water…

The Impact of Driver Detention Time

Over a four-year period the American Transportation Research Institute conducted a survey on how driver detention at customer facilities impacted safety and productivity. The results came from surveys given to 1,900 truckers and carriers from 2014 to 2018. During this time, the frequency and length of detention increased and with…

Keeping Your Truck Tip-Top Can Keep the Wheels Turning

Yes, buying a truck is a big investment and you must keep in mind that every year, to keep it running properly, you are going to have to spend money to keep it rolling. By keeping up on maintenance and “listening” to your truck, some of the bigger ticket fixes…

Nomination Period Open for TCAs Best Fleets to Drive For in North America

Now through October 31, truck drivers and independent contractors can nominate their companies for the title of Best Fleets to Drive For. Put on by the Truckload Carriers Association and CarriersEdge, this contest recognizes trucking companies who have exceptional workplace environments. For a carrier to be eligible they must operate…

Trucking Company Helps Students Go Back to School

Lamar Drew, a driver for G&P Trucking (based out of Columbia, S.C.) partnered with his employer and brought 600 book bags to the children at his former elementary school, Lakemont Elementary School in Petersburg, Va. Since founding “Lighten the Load” back in 2016, Drew has been helping provide book bags…

Wisconsin Trucking Companies are being Scammed

The Division of Motor Vehicles Motor Carrier Services Section of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation is sending out a warning to carriers to keep an eye out for scam letters. The letters are telling trucking companies to pay for their DOT biennial update. A good sign that it is a…

Banksy Box Truck Could Sell for $2 Million

In 2000, Bansky, the mysterious graffiti artist, painted a 1988 Volvo FL6 box truck and on September 14 it’s hitting the auction block. Titled: Turbo Zone Truck (Laugh Now but One Day We’ll Be in Charge), could bring in $2 million. This large piece of Banksy artwork will be accompanied…

New Trucking Program at Pensacola State College

With a shortage of truck drivers out there, Pensacola State College in Florida has started up a commercial truck driver training program to help alleviate the problem. The first class is scheduled to roll out in mid-September and students will have to drive at least 1,000 miles and complete a…